We Provide the Best technology and new patented concepts
Reliable, proven solutions that meet international industry practices and standards
Welcome To Aethercoin
We Are Making The Best Cryptocurrency For You
The main revenue for the team comes from the small real estate empire that we already have worldwide, the Aether real estate portfolio is currently worth more than 2 million usd! On top of that we are developing an improved modern PoS cryptocurrency with over 50k TPS!
We have a high number of skilled developers that are capable of developing an elite cryptocurrency.
We have experience in every field, developing mining and investing in cryptocurrencies.
Our team has high skills in SEO, SEA and regular advertising.
As Aethercoin grows so does Aether Corp and visa versa.
Coorperate level cryptocurrency
We Do Business For You
We rent out properties on Airbnb all over the world and 10 % of that profit will be used to buy back Aethercoin and that profit will be burned.
We have one of the best Psilocybin treatment centers in the Bahamas.
Aether Construction focusses on building new buildings, and specialized rooftops. Aether Construction also holds some very good patents.
We have multiple patents in several fields in multiple countries, when we sell a patent 10 % of that profit will be used to buy Aethercoin and that amount will be burned.
Our global ambition will include revenue producing real estate and agriculture.
This project is made for the good of the future of mankind so our children can enjoy a censorship free world join us!